Our nursery has an excellent reputation for carrying a large selection of hard- to- find and unusual plants.
We try to stay on top of the most recent introductions of plants in the industry to offer our customers.
Because we are growers and propagators we are able to produce the plants our customers want ahead of our competition.
Almost all of the plants we grow in our fields are named cultivars and have been selected for superior traits.
Since the beginning, Mark has propagated our unusual plant varieties and cultivars.
It is always a challenge to acquire and include the newest selections of plants in our inventory.
Mark has a special interest in and affection for Japanese Maples, the aristocrat of garden plants.
Over the years Mark has collected over a hundred and fifty different cultivars.
We also grow a large selection of unusual dwarf conifers and our field stock offers many mature (landscape size) specimen plants for the instant garden.
We also offer both deciduous and coniferous plants that have unusual growing habits including weeping, prostrate, dwarf or fastigate.
Many are variegated or have special colored foliage, bark or flowers.
Some of the more interesting selections include Kousa Dogwood, Styrax, Pine, Spruce, Beech , Redbud, Larch, Fir, Redbud, Dawn Redwoods and False Cypress.
Because we propagate these cultivars we may have them available in various sizes; from young starter plants to mature field grown specimens.
We welcome inquires for varieties not listed.
Call for availability and pricing.
- Selected Specialty Plant List:
- Japanese Maples:
- Paperbark Maple: Acer Grisieum, Acer Triflorum
- Cut-leaf Maple:
- Acer Palmatum Dissectum
- Baby Lace
- Baldsmith
- Crimson Queen
- Emerald Lace
- Everred
- Garnet
- Goshiki Shidare
- Orangeola
- Red Dragon
- Red Filigree Lace
- Tamukeyama
- Viridis
- Waterfall
- Upright Maple:
- Acer Palmatum
- Beni Schichihenge
- Higasayamas
- Katsura
- Koto Noito
- Moonfire
- Murasaki Kiyohime
- Okushimo
- Omurayama
- Osakazuki
- Sango Kaku
- Shishigashira
- Taiyo Nishiki
- Villa Taranto
- Japonicums:
- Acer Japonicum - Green Cascade, Aconitifolium
- Fullmoon Maples: Acer Shirasawanum Areum - Autumn Moon
- Chinese Dogwood:
- Cornus Kousa - Wolf Eyes, Goldstar, Lustgarten Weeping, Satomi (Pink), Snowboy, Milky Way
- Cornus Hybrid - Stellar Pink
- Redbud:
- Cercis Canadensis - Appalachian Red, Weeping, Alba (White), Forest Pansy (Red Leaf)
- Cercis Chinensis - Alba (White), Avondale (Purple)
- Beech:
- Fagus Sylvatica - Torulosa, Torulosa Purpuren, Purple Fountain, Purpurea Pendula, Roseo-Marinata
- Japanese Snowbell:
- Styrax Japonica - Carillon (Weeping), Pink Chimes, Emerald Pagoda
- Bald Cypress:
- Taxodium Distichum - Peve's Minaret, Falling Waters, Secrest (Dwarf) Cascade Falls
- Sweetgum:
- Liquidambar Styraciflua - Variegata, Silver King, Slender Silouette, Gumball
- Douglas Fir:
- Pseudotsuga Menziesii - Graceful Grace
- Fir:
- Abies Korena - Hortsman Silberlock
- Abies Concolor - Compacta
- Pine:
- Japanese White: Pinus Parviflora - Adcock's Dwarf, Nana, Glauca, Ogon Janome
- Japanese Red: Pinus Densiflora - Oculus Draconis (Dragon Eye), Pendula
- Himalayan: Pinus Wallichiana - Zebrina
- Macedonian: Pinus Peuce - Glauca
- Scotch: Pinus Sylvestris - Globosa Viridis
- Japanese Black: Pinus Thundbergii - Thunderhead, Oculus Draconis
- Spruce:
- Norway: Picea Abies - Pendula, Fastigiata, Acracona, Aurea
- Colorado: Picea Pungens - Globosa, Hoopsi, Prostrata, Fastigiata
- Oriental: Picea Orientalis - Gowdy, Skylands
- Dawn Redwood:
- Metasequioa Glyptostroboides - Gold Rush, Miss Grace(Weeping)
- False Cypress:
- Chamaecyparis - Obtusa - Nana Gracilis, Aurea Nana, Crippsi Nootkatensis - Pendula
- Japanese Cedar:
- Cryptomeria Japonica - Yoshino
- Ginkgo:
- Ginkgo Biloba - Autumn Gold, Girard's Witches Broom, Chris Dwarf
Fieldstone Nursery, Inc.
19316 Middletown Rd.
Parkton, Maryland 21120
Sat. ..... 9-5
Sun. ............ 11-2
See details on our contact page.